Brooder Temperature Requirements in Young Chicks

Temperature is the utmost requirement as the young chicks are unable to regulate their body temperature because they lack feathers which act as insulators. Therefore optimum levels of temperature are to be maintained for chicks according to their age and type. Temperature requirement by artificial sources decreases as the age increases. Temperature requirement varies according to the type of bird (layer, broiler, or breeder). In the case of the breeder, the temperature should be higher than in the case of layer and broiler.

The behavior of chicks is a very good indication of the brooding temperature:

  • If chicks aggregate along the brooder, it shows that the temperature is low.
  • If chicks are sitting near the wall of the chick guard and not congregated around the brooder means the temperature is too high.
  • If chicks are congregated at one place near the guard, it shows that chicks are exposed to direct draft.

Temperature requirements with age:

  • First week 35 degrees Celsius
  • Second week 32 degrees Celsius
  • Third week 30 degrees Celsius
  • Fourth week 28 degrees Celsius

Effects of High-Temperature

  1. Dehydration
  2. Less feed intake
  3. Poor feed efficiency
  4. Increase in mortality
  5. Painting of vent
  6. Electrolyte imbalance
  7. Less uniformity in the flock (up to 10% variation is acceptable in the flock)
  8. More water intake
  9. Respiratory problem due to dust

 Effects of Low Temperature:

  1. Chilling
  2. More feed intake
  3. High mortality
  4. Less water intake
  5. Less uniformity in the flock
  6. More respiratory problems because of more moisture contents in the litter (High humidity leads to higher ammonia concentration)

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