
Easy Steps to Identify a Sick Cow: Observing Behaviors and Signs

Cattle farming requires keen observation and proactive care to ensure the health and well-being of the herd. Recognizing signs of illness in cows is crucial for early intervention and effective treatment. In this article, we will discuss easy steps to identify a sick cow by observing feeding habits, attitude, and specific physical indicators. 1. Feeding […]

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pregnant cow

Proper Examination of A Pregnant Cow on the Farm.  A Vital Aspect of Livestock Management

Pregnant cow examination is a crucial aspect of effective livestock management, ensuring the well-being of both the animal and its potential offspring. Visual examination is a valuable tool in identifying signs of pregnancy in cows, helping farmers make informed decisions regarding nutrition, health, and overall herd management. In this article, we will delve into the

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It is a production disease, that results from an input/output imbalance in energy metabolism leading to a deficiency of glucose in the blood and body tissues during late pregnancy and during lactation when the requirement for glucose is at high levels such that the blood becomes low in glucose (hypoglycemia). Clinical signs (i) In cows

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Pregnancy toxemia is a metabolic disorder in pregnant cows when energy demand is exceeded by supply Definition:Pregnancy toxemia is a metabolic disorder in cows that occurs when the fetal carbohydrate or energy demand exceeds the maternal supply during the last trimester of pregnancy.Pregnancy toxaemia occurs due to inadequate dietary intake such that utilization of maternal


calf rearing

3 Important Calf Rearing Practices to Achieve High Profitability

Successful calf rearing is crucial for maximizing profitability in cattle farming. The foundation of a profitable calf-rearing operation starts with the selection of healthy, high-quality calves and continues with proper feeding and care to ensure optimal growth and development. Here are key guidelines to follow for achieving high profitability in calf rearing. 1. Selection of

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