It is a production disease, that results from an input/output imbalance in energy metabolism leading to a deficiency of glucose in the blood and body tissues during late pregnancy and during lactation when the requirement for glucose is at high levels such that the blood becomes low in glucose (hypoglycemia).

Clinical signs

(i) In cows confined stalls, reduced feed intake (anorexia) is usually the first sign of ketosis then gradual loss of appetite and decrease in milk production over several days.

(ii) Sequential loss of appetite, refusal of concentrates, then silage, and lastly forage.

(iii) Feed intake decrease leading to rapid weight loss,

(iv) Temperature is within normal range.

(v) Reduced milk production, lethargy, and an “empty” appearing abdomen are usually the signs of ketosis noticed first.

(vi) Faeces are firm and dry.

(vii) The animal is moderately depressed and reluctant to move,

(viii) Rough hair coat, roughed and eyes appear “gazed” ie lacking excitement.

(ix)The odour of acetone may be detected in the breath or milk.

Treatment of ketosis

Treatment of ketosis is aimed at reestablishing normal glucose levels and reducing serum ketone body concentrations.


(i). In times of feed deficiency provide supplementary feed with adequate amounts of carbohydrate like good quality hay, silage, or cereal grain.

(ii). At calving cows should be on a rising plane of nutrition up to calving with the aim to calve in good condition.

(iii). After calving, provide energy supplement to improve production and reproductive performance, and decrease the risk of ketosis until the peak of lactation is reached or long eg good quality hay, silage, or cereal grains.

(iv). For very high-producing cows susceptible to ketosis every year having a preventive drenching program of propylene glycol immediately after calving may avert ketosis

(v). Avoid over-fattening in pregnant cows by limiting steaming during the dry period, especially the large animals.

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